
Modify your data before it's sent to destinations

Types of Transformations

Freshpaint supports three uses for transformations

Standard Mapping

Standard mappings are used to re-format the data you send to Freshpaint into the structure that a destination accepts and assigns special meaning to. For example, you can use transformations to rename your add_to_cart event that you're sending to Freshpaint into Facebook or Pinterest's AddToCart event.

Standard Events

Modify Data

You can use transformations to modify the data Freshpaint sends to destinations in order to match historical data or remove sensitive information before they are sent to a destination.

Modify Data

Modify User Data

Identify transformations allow you to re-format OR modify the user data you send to Freshpaint. This can be particularly useful if a certain destination requires a user property in one format, and another destination requires that same user property in a different format.

For example, if one destination enforces a naming convention that the user's operating system must be sent as user_os while another destination requires the operating system to be sent as os, you can rename the user property accordingly before the identify event is sent to the destination.

Modify User Data

Supported Operations

Use this operation to rename the event. For example, if you have an event named order_complete, but you want this to be named OrderCompleted in a destination, you can use this operation.

You can only rename an event once. If you try to add two "Rename Event" operations to a given event + destination combination, you will receive an error.

Transformations Dashboard

From the transformation dashboard, you can view and edit your existing transformations, as well as launch the wizard to guide you through creating a new transformation.

Transformations are grouped into sets based on their Transformation Type, Freshpaint Event and Destination.

Creating a new transformation

You can launch the wizard to create a new transformation by clicking the button in the top right.

Add a new operation to a transformation

  1. Expand the transformation set you want to modify by clicking on it. If you just created a new transformation via the wizard, it will already be opened.

2. Click the + button and choose the operation you want to apply. See above for operation descriptions.

Deleting or modifying an operation

  1. Expand the transformation set that contains the operation you want to modify by clicking on it. If you just created a new transformation via the wizard, it will already be opened.

  2. Click on the operation you want to delete or modify. It will highlight and show a pencil icon as you hover over it.

  3. From here you can either change the attributes and click "Save" or delete the operation by clicking "delete."

Deleting an entire transformation set

You can delete an entire set of transformations by clicking on the trash icon on the right side of any transformation set.

Last updated

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