Google Analytics 4 Proxy Multi-Config Reference

If you have multiple GA measurement IDs configured in your environment and you have specific tracking needs for page view, scroll, and user engagement, please read on below.

By default, built in page_view, scroll, and user_engagement events will be sent to all configured measurement IDs in a given environment.

So, for example, if you have 15 measurement IDs for a single environment, on any page where you load Freshpaint with your environment ID, each page view will be sent to all 15 measurement IDs in Google Analytics.

If you have specific tracking needs where you would like to have a view of a single page go to just one particular measurement ID, and not others, then you would not want to use the built in page view.

Built in event setup options:

There are 3 ways a user can set up page_view events so that they get first visit and session start tracking.

  1. Enable "Send Page View Event", this will send page_view events from all pages to every measurement ID.

  2. Disable "Send Page View Event", and generate your own custom page_view event with the name being "page_view" and note this will require you to edit your website code or add it to Google Tag Manager. If you name it something other than page_view, you can use Transformations to rename it to page_view when sending it to GA4.

    • Additionally, if you do not have a multi-config setup, and are just using a single configuration with GA4 but you do not want to send the page_view event on every page where the Freshpaint snippet is loaded, this is also a situation in which you will want to send us a custom page_event (and not the built-in) for the specific pages you want tracked.

  3. If you have already disabled "Send Page View Event" and are not sending us custom page_view events, then please reach out to us to enable Session tracking on your account internally.

There are 2 ways a user can set up scroll events.

  1. Enable "Send Scroll Event", this will send scroll events from all pages to every measurement ID.

  2. Disable "Send Scroll Event", and optionally generate your own custom scroll event with the name being "scroll" and note this will require you to edit your website code or add it to Google Tag Manager. If you name it something other than scroll, you can use Transformations to rename it to scroll when sending it to GA4. Sending scroll events is not necessary.

There are 2 ways a user can set up user engagement events.

  1. Enable "Send User Engagement Event", this will send user_engagement events from all pages to every measurement ID.

  2. Disable "Send User Engagement Event", and optionally generate your own custom user_engagement event with the name being "user_engagement" and note this will require you to edit your website code or add it to Google Tag Manager. If you name it something other than user_engagement, you can use Transformations to rename it to user_engagement when sending it to GA4. Sending user engagement events is not necessary.

How to access GA4 configuration:

Click Configure in the Base Configuration row.

From here you can enable or disable the built in Send Page View Event, Send Scroll Event, and Send User Engagement Event.

Last updated