Analytics (Beta)
Analyze and report on web analytics data collected from your Freshpaint directly in Freshpaint.
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Analyze and report on web analytics data collected from your Freshpaint directly in Freshpaint.
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To use this feature, please contact your Freshpaint rep or email
Freshpaint Analytics is a new suite of features from Freshpaint that provides reports and data visualizations to help you understand your site's marketing performance, and to optimize your cost of customer acquisition. You can use this tool to explore the data Freshpaint collects from your site directly within the Freshpaint UI, without needing to integrate with another third party tool.
Our analytics feature currently includes the following features:
A Web Analytics Dashboard showing high level metrics about your site's performance
A Campaigns page to define dashboard filters to focus in on the performance of specific marketing campaigns on your site
A Service Lines page to define dashboard filters to analyze the performance of pages belonging to each service line in your organization
We provide analytics about your site by querying the data you already collect using Freshpaint. For existing Freshpaint users, this means that once Analytics is enabled for your account, no additional steps are needed to start loading data into our system for analysis and reporting.
If you would like to learn more about each of the main metrics we compute from your data, visit the Data Glossary page for an in-depth explanation of each metric and what it means.
This exciting new feature is currently in beta. In order to access the new Analytics feature, you should reach out to our customer support team at Once the Analytics feature is enabled for your account, you should see a new Analytics navigation item in your Freshpaint UI: