
June is an instant product analytics platform with flexible report templates that allow product, marketing and engineering teams to find user insights quickly and easily.

Destination Info





What you'll need

  • A June account, particularly:

    • Your API Key from June.

To get your API Key from June, navigate to the Settings page in June, select the Freshpaint integrations card and select the "Create new key" button.

Getting Started

  • Click Configure June button, then click Configure button next to the API Key. Paste you API key from June in the modal and hit Save.

  • Confirm that your June destination is active.


When you call freshpaint.identify we create People on June. User properties are interpreted in June as traits. For example, consider the following identify call:

freshpaint.identify("abhishek@freshpaint.io", {
    email: "abhishek@freshpaint.io",
    firstName: "Abhishek",
    lastName: "kedia",
    city: "Hyderabad",
    preferred_channel: "email"

will create the following Person object on June:


Events sent from Freshpaint (both Autotrack and Precision events) will show up on the Events tab on June.

You can also click on the View live feed button to see the live feed of events pushed from Freshpaint into June. (Usually there is a couple of minutes of delay for events to show up in June)

Use Cases

Slack Alerts for Events

You can configure June to send Slack alerts when certain events are triggered. For example, if you're an e-commerce store you can setup a Slack alert when users performs successful checkout so that you start the process of actually fulfilling the order.

Building Reports

Once you have event data flowing into June, it allows creating reports based on events performed by the users. For example, you can create reports on User activation, User retention, etc.

Last updated