
Freshpaint offers a HIPAA-compliant, Zoomable, Pannable embedded map.


The example site has a full working demo that you can inspect and customize to your needs.

Map Setup: Vanilla JS

Freshpaint uses MapLibre as an open-source renderer to display the map. You will need to load Maplibre and its stylesheet.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script>

Creating a Map

// Styles affect how the maps look:
// We currently support the following styles:
//   "standard-light":      colorized, typical map style
//   "standard-dark":       colorized, typical dark map style
//   "visualization-light": grayscale, elegant black and white style
//   "visualization-dark":  grayscale, elegant dark black and white style
const style = "standard-light" 

// Your freshpaint environment ID
const envId = "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444"

const map = new maplibregl.Map({
  container: "map",
  style: `${envId}/${style}/style-descriptor`,

  // Latitude and longitude of the map's origin
  center: [-87.6800, 41.8500],

  // Zoom levels (rough descriptions):
  // 15 : a close street view
  // 13 : city neighborhoods
  // 11 : entire region (Chicagoland)
  zoom: 13,

// This adds a toolbar for zooming an panning:
// + : zoom in
// - : zoom out
// compass for rotating (e.g. north facing up or south facing up)
map.addControl(new maplibregl.NavigationControl(), "top-left");

Adding pins with popups

const markers = [
    "LngLat": [-87.7276, 41.7919],
    "Header": "UI Health",
    "Href": ""
    "LngLat": [-87.69738, 41.85505],
    "Header": "Saint Anthony Hospital",
    "Href": ""

// You can customize popups with arbitrary HTML
// Here, we just do a simple header and link to the website
const newPopup = (m) => new maplibregl.Popup({ offset: 25 })
                                                    <a href="${m.Href}">${m.Href}<\/a>

markers.forEach((m) => {
  const popup = newPopup(m);
  const marker = new maplibregl.Marker({color: "#808080"})

Full working example

See the working demo at for a demo with the Freshpaint map connected to clickable location cards.

This demo shows how to add on-click handlers to customize behaviors when users click on Map pins. It also shows how to link external actions to the Map (e.g. so on-click outside of the map cause the map to recenter).

Map Setup: React

Ask Freshpaint directly if you need assistance setting up a React app!

Location Search Setup:

Freshpaint also offers a HIPAA-compliant Location search service that finds location matches to user inputs. We offer a backend that can be used with your autocomplete frontend of choice.

API Details

The API is accessible at


Request body

Because we use AWS Location Services, a full account of all supported features, and inputs can be found here:

Sample CURL request


curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"$TOKEN" \
-d '{"Text": "Good", "MaxResults": 8, "BiasPosition": [-87.69420, 41.86181], "FilterCountries": ["USA"], "FilterCategories": ["MunicipalityType"]}'

Reverse Geocoding Setup:

Freshpaint also offers a HIPAA-compliant Reverse Geocoding API that allows you to look up an address based on Latitude and Longitude.

API Details

The API is accessible at


Request body

Because we use AWS Location Services, a full account of all supported features, and inputs can be found here:

Sample CURL request


curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"$TOKEN" \
-d '{"Position": [-122.3394,47.6159], "MaxResults": 8}'

Last updated