
Autotrack automatically collects data from your website and is the main source of data supported by Freshpaint. This is provided by the Freshpaint Web Source. Out of the box, Autotrack collects every action a user performs on your site. You can then send different actions your users have performed to any of the destinations supported by Freshpaint.


We have the following guides for setting up different parts of Autotrack.

Setting up your Events

This guide walks through how to slice and dice the raw data collected by Autotrack.

Setting up Your Events

Setting up Identify

This guide walks you through how to work with user data while using Autotrack. With Identify, you can create a single user profile across all the devices used by an individual user.

User Identification

Setting up Properties

This guide walks you through how to get extra, contextual information into your Freshpaint events.

Setting up Properties

Time Machine

Once you have created the events you care about, you can then use the Freshpaint Time Machine to access any data collected by Autotrack, even if you didn't explicitly think ahead to track it.

🔁Time Machine

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