Data Collected on Web

Out of the box Freshpaint instruments your site and collects user actions from your site. Specifically we track the following user actions:

  • Pageviews

  • Clicks

  • Form Submissions

  • Input Field Change Events

Properties Captured

For all events we capture the following properties:

UTM Parameters

Freshpaint also captures the five UTM parameters:

Freshpaint also captures the initial UTM parameters listed below. These are set the very first time a user visits your site and does not change.

Initial Referrer and Initial Referring Domain

Freshpaint's JavaScript SDK will track Initial Referrer and Initial Referring Domain with any event that a user completes. These properties are stored in a Freshpaint cookie the first time a user comes to your site and will not change on future site visits as long as the cookie is not cleared.

For example, if a user comes to your website for the first time as a result of a search engine, like, the initial referrer is the URL they first came from and the initial referring domain is This data is stored in a Freshpaint cookie and sent with all future events for that user.

This data could help you analyze how users from different initial referrers interact with your application.


The Initial Referrer will be $direct when a user navigates to a site for the first time without being referred by another site. This can happen in the following scenarios:

  • A user types the website address directly into the address bar of the web browser

  • A user clicks a link that takes them directly to the website

  • A user clicks a bookmarked link that takes them directly to the website

  • Security settings in the user's browser may be preventing referrer data from being passed

Referrer and Referring Domain

Freshpaint's SDK will also track Referrer and Referring Domain, if it exists, with any event that a user completes. The Initial Referrer is how the user first navigates to your application. The Referrer is how the user navigated within your application to trigger the event it is associated with.

For example, a user has already navigated to your website via a search engine and landed on the homepage, with the url From there, they click on the "about us" link and navigate to the url In this case, the Referrer would be and the Referring Domain would be The Initial Referring Domain, as long as the Freshpaint cookie has not been cleared, still remains

If a user has navigated for the first time to your site directly (see above), there will be no Referrer and Referring Domain. If the user navigated to your site directly, and then clicked on a link on your site to send them from to, the Initial Referrer will still be $direct and the Referrer will be

Advertising Click Parameters

Freshpaint captures the following advertising related click parameters. These power the advertising integrations by allowing you to track conversions from your ad campaigns.

Special properties

For click, form submission, and field change events Freshpaint captures the following properties:

By default, Freshpaint will collect the following attributes from each DOM element:

  • aria-describedby

  • aria-label

  • aria-labelledby

  • data-auid

  • data-auto

  • data-automation

  • data-category

  • data-component

  • data-current-page

  • data-e2e

  • data-element

  • data-hook

  • data-index

  • data-key

  • data-page

  • data-qa

  • data-ref

  • data-selector

  • data-source-file

  • data-test

  • data-test-id

  • data-testid

  • data-tid

  • data-track

  • data-wa-link

  • name

  • role

  • src

  • href

  • alt

  • action

For click events, we also capture:

Opting Out of Data Collected

If you want to disable autotrack for a specific element on your page, you can add the fp-no-track class to the element and Freshpaint will no longer track interactions with it. You may want to use fp-no-track if you are displaying sensitive text on your page.

Notable Exceptions

Sometimes sensitive data is typed in by the user. That’s why Freshpaint only captures when and where text is typed but not what was typed. So you'll still know when an input is being used, but not what the contents of it are.

In sum, Freshpaint only captures the fact that the field was changed. Freshpaint does not capture the text the user put in the field.

Property values are limited to 255 characters in length. Events are limited to 1MB total.

Last updated