Instrumenting Your App

To instrument an event for Freshpaint, add the following bit of code whenever there's an event you want to track:

    .track("Example Event", new Properties().putValue("Example Property", "Example Value"));

Verifying the Instrumentation

To verify the instrumentation you can use the Freshpaint Live View. After firing an event, you should see it show up in Freshpaint after a minute:

You can then click the event to look at the properties of the event and confirm they are correct:

By default, Freshpaint automatically forwards any event instrumented with the Android SDK to any enabled destinations. If you now take a look in Amplitude, you will see the events you created being sent:

If you'd like to disable this behavior, you can do so by clicking into the event definition, clicking "Settings" and then enabling the "Override hardcoded destinations" toggle. This will disable all active destinations for this event.

You'll need to go back into the event definition and re enable any destinations as they will now all be disabled.

Last updated