Bing Ads Multi-Config Reference

Configuration considerations when using multiple Bing tag IDs in an environment

By default, built in pageview events will be sent to all configured tag IDs in a given environment, for every page where the Freshpaint Autotrack snippet is loaded.

So, for example, if you have 15 tag IDs for a single environment, on any page where you load Freshpaint with your environment ID, a pageview event will be sent to all 15 tag IDs in Bing Ads.

In some scenarios, such as where each tag ID is intended to be for only a specific page or subdomain, this can result in duplicate events in Bing Ads.

If you would like to have a view of a given page go to just one particular tag ID, and not others, then you would not want to use the built in pageview event.

Even when you have only a single measurement ID, you might not want these built-in events to be sent from every page the Freshpaint Autotrack snippet is loaded.

You can instead create custom page_viewevent (note that the custom event must be page_view and not pageview) to be sent only for the conditions you choose (such as page URL), as detailed below.

Built in event setup options:

There are 2 ways a user can set up pageview or a built-in event.

  1. Enable "Automatically Send Page View Events". This will send pageview events from all pages where the Freshpaint Autotrack snippet is loaded, to every tag ID.

  2. Disable "Automatically Send Page View Events", and create your own custom page_view event. Note this will require you to edit your website code. If you name it something other than page_view, you can use Transformations to rename it to page_view so we can process it correctly. If you want to see page view events in GTM you would need to use this custom page_view event with the built in "Automatically Send Page View Events" disabled.

Last updated