Floodlight Enhanced Conversions (Beta)

Send advertising events directly to Floodlight from Freshpaint

The Floodlight destination is deprecated. Please instead use: Google Campaign Manager 360 (Early Access)

Enhanced conversions is one of Google's features which aims to provide more accurate conversion tracking using hashed user information. It can provide limited view-through conversion data in a world where third-party cookies are being phased out.

If you are a HIPAA customer, it's important to understand that even though the user information is hashed before being sent to Google, HHS guidance still considers this PII since it does not use a secret. Therefore, you must be extremely careful to avoid sending health data alongside this user information to avoid a HIPAA violation.

Getting Started

These instructions assume you're using GTM to manage Floodlight tags and that you've already migrated your native Floodlight tags to the Freshpaint tag template. If you would like help with this or have any questions, please contact your Freshpaint rep or email support@freshpaint.io.

What You'll Need

  1. Access to your Campaign Manager 360 account

  2. Access to your GTM account

  3. Knowledge of which parts of your website have access to user information (most commonly forms)

First, enable enhanced conversions in Campaign Manager 360

  1. In Campaign Manager, navigate to your advertiser account.

  2. Click on Floodlight > Configuration.

  3. Under “Enhanced conversions”, select the checkbox below the compliance statement to agree to the terms of service.

    • Note: Make sure you review the terms of service for enhanced conversions and understand the implications of enabling this functionality. This checkbox can’t be unchecked.

  4. Click Save.

Next, enable enhanced conversions in your Freshpaint Floodlight tags

  1. For each Floodlight tag that you want to enable for enhanced conversions (commonly tags that capture form submits), click the checkbox under the "Enhanced Conversions" section at the bottom.

  2. A selection menu will appear, asking you to pick the GTM variable that will capture the desired user data for enhanced conversions. You may need to create a new variable for this.

    1. GTM offers a few different methods to collect user data for enhanced conversions:

      1. Manual configuration (recommended)

      2. Code

      3. Automatic collection

    2. More information to help you make a decision can be found here.

If you are a HIPAA account, you will need to add enhanced conversion properties to the allowlist. If you are not a HIPAA account, you can skip this step.

  1. Go to the destination configuration page for Floodlight.

  2. Depending on which pieces of user data you decided to send for enhanced conversions, you'll need to add some or all of the following properties to the allowlist:

    1. email

    2. phone_number

    3. address

That's it! Your Floodlight conversion events should now be enriched with enhanced conversions data.

To verify that your events contain enhanced conversions data, you can use Event Verification to confirm that the allowlisted properties (email, phone_number, and/or address) are being passed through to Floodlight.

For further assistance, please contact your Freshpaint rep or email support@freshpaint.io.

Last updated

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