Spotify (Podsights)

Validate and optimize your podcast advertising by measuring podcast impressions.

Freshpaint can send Events to your Spotify (Podsights) account for a specified Pixel ID.

Destination Info

Getting Started

To set up the Podsights integration, follow these steps:

Track: Events

Each event sent to the Spotify (Podsidghts) Track API is categorized as a specific Spotify (Podsights) Event, derived from either the Freshpaint Event Definition name or a Destination Transformation.

Below are the event names supported by Spotify (Podsights).

There are optional parameters (such as value) for each event below, described at its linked page.

Track: Spotify (Podsights) parameters

Below is the full list of what Freshpaint sends to the Spotify (Podsights) API (beyond Pixel ID) for a Track call:

Page: Spotify (Podsights) parameters

Below is the full list of what Freshpaint sends to the Spotify (Podsights) API (beyond Pixel ID) for a Page call:

Check whether it's working

You can use the Freshpaint Event Tester to quickly verify events from Freshpaint are received properly by Spotify (Podsights). To do so, follow these steps:

  • In the Spotify (Podsights) Dashboard, navigate to Manage -> Pixels , then select your Pixel ID

  • Go to the Spotify (Podsights) configuration page in Freshpaint and click "Test Event"

  • Choose a Podsights-enabled event

  • Enter required values for $current_url, $ip, and $user_agent, preserving the distinct_id, token, time values. Here are some test values to use:

"$current_url": "",
"$ip": "",
"$user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36"
  • Click "Test Event"

  • In the Spotify (Podsights) dashboard, look for event activity (the Debugger view is useful as well, with details on Event Name, Domain, Referrer):

Last updated