Adobe Analytics (beta)

Adobe Analytics is a powerful analytics reporting and visualization tool that helps users slice their data and gain insights quickly.

The Adobe Analytics destination is currently an experimental destination. Please contract the sales team if you would like access to the Adobe Analytics destination.

Destination Info

  • Connection Modes:





What You'll Need

  • Freshpaint account

  • An account with Adobe Analytics

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to the Adobe Analytics destination configuration

  1. Configure your Report Suite ID ID. This can be found in your Adobe Analytics Report Suite Admin settings page:

3. That's it! You should now see the enabled status next to Adobe Analytics.


Freshpaint's servers use the same API as the client-side adobe analytics tag. You may provide the following additional event properties:

Freshpaint PropertyRequired?Description


Note: pe is a required property for Link click events, and it cannot be included in Page events. pe is the type of the event, and it can take of of the following values: ("custom", "download", "exit")


Note: pev2 is a required property for Link click events, and it cannot be included in Page events. The name of the event


Note: If you specify this you must also define a Marketing Cloud Visitor Id


The currency code of the purchase.


The charSet variable is used by Adobe to convert incoming data into UTF-8 for storage and reporting by Analytics. Most sites do not need to set this variable.

Set this variable only if you see garbled values (mojibake) in reports. You can set this variable on a page-by-page basis if your site uses different encodings on different pages.


The channel variable typically stores the section of the site a given page is on. It is helpful to determine what groups of your site are most popular. This variable populates the ‘Site Sections’ dimension.

event1 to event1000

Dimensions and metrics are vital components to reports. The events variable is responsible for data collection of many metrics on your site. Events typically increment metrics in reports.


Comma separated list of events. These will be merged with individual event properties before sending to adobe.


The URL of the page


Y or N Whether the current page is the visitor's homepage


JavaScript version. For example, 1.3.


The Experience Cloud Organization ID; it identifies the organization within the Adobe Experience Cloud.



Semicolon separated list of Netscape plug-in names.


The pageName variable typically stores the name of a given page. It is helpful to determine what individual pages are most popular. This variable populates the Page dimension.

If this variable is not defined on a given page tracking call, the pageURL variable is used instead.


The pageType variable is a flag used to designate error pages on your site, such as 404 errors. If this variable contains the string errorPage, it populates the ‘Pages Not Found’ dimension and metric.


The products variable tracks products and properties tied to them. This variable is typically set on individual product pages, shopping cart pages, and purchase confirmation pages. It is a multi-value variable, meaning you can send multiple products in the same hit and Adobe parses the value into separate dimension items. See Adobe Docs on how to configure this field.


The purchaseID variable helps prevent hits containing the same purchase from inflating reports. For example, if a visitor reaches your purchase confirmation page, you typically send data around the revenue generated from the transaction to Adobe. If the user refreshes this page multiple times or bookmarks the page to visit later, those hits can inflate reports. The purchaseID variable de-duplicates metrics when more than one hit has the same purchase ID.


A fallback cookie s_fid is set when the primary cookie (AMCV_ or s_vi) is unavailable. It has a 2 year expiration and is used as the fallback identification method going forward.


The screen height from the browser


The screen width from the browser


The timestamp of the event in unix epoch format.


The ‘Java enabled’ dimension determines if the browser at the time has Java enabled.


The campaign variable is dedicated to collecting tracking codes on your site.

$device_id or $user_id

The freshpaint unique identity for the device or the user. We pass this as the visitor ID to adobe.


The transactionID variable uniquely identifies a transaction so the hit can tie to data uploaded through Data Sources. This variable is valuable in cases where you want to use data from other channels and link it to data collected with AppMeasurement.


The ‘Color depth’ dimension reports how many colors that the device supports.

adobeProp1 to adobeProp75

Props are custom variables that you can use however you’d like. They do not persist beyond the hit that they are set.

eVar1 to eVar250

eVars are custom variables that you can use however you’d like. If you have a solution design document, most dimensions specific to your organization end up as eVars. By default, eVars persist beyond the hit they are set on. You can customize their expiration and allocation under Conversion variables in Report suite settings.

adobeList1 to adobeList3

List variables are custom variables that you can use however you’d like. They work similarly to eVars, except they can contain multiple values in the same hit. List variables do not have a character limit.

adobeHier1 to adobeHier5

Hierarchy variables are custom variables that let you see a site’s structure. Adobe supports up to 5 hierarchy variables in your implementation.

Last updated